The diversity and specializations of immune cells that populate solid tumors have been mapped out to an unprecedented degree. We use cutting edge tools to understand how we can target the tumor microenvironment to advance CAR T cell therapy for solid tumors.
We want to understand:
1. Identify how the expression of chimeric receptors alters the immunobiology of T cells within the immune TME
2. Understand how radiotherapy can be applied to alter the tumor immune landscape and improve CAR T cell therapy
3. Develop novel cell therapies that capitalize on the immunology of CAR T cells in the TME
Institute Description:
The Ahmed Khan lab is part of the Precision Immunology Institute and the Tisch Cancer Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in Manhattan.
We are recruiting energetic and motivated researchers at all levels to join our team. Interested applicants should send a CV and references to:
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